Bitcoin: Bigger than a President — with Florian Bruce Boye

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Florian Bruce-Boye and microphone

In our latest podcast episode, we had the pleasure to talk to entrepreneur and author Florian Bruce-Boye about the fascinating world of bitcoin. Florian has been active in the bitcoin space for many years and has recently published his book “Goldene Zukunft”, in which he describes his vision for the role of bitcoin.

Here are the podcast's most exciting moments:

Florian's Entry into the Bitcoin World

Florian began his journey with bitcoin in 2014, when he first tried to buy two bitcoin at a price of €400 per coin. Although this failed attempt took him away from bitcoin for a short time, he continued to study the subject intensively. His deep interest grew over the years as he both studied physics and founded an e-commerce company.

Eventually, he put all of his knowledge into his own podcast. His authentic and in-depth exploration of bitcoin attracted more and more listeners to other podcasts he was a guest on, until he decided it was time to write a book. With "Goldene Zukunft: Wie Bitcoin alte Prinzipien neu belebt und zur Chance des Jahrhunderts wird.", he not only shared his accumulated knowledge, but also landed a Spiegel bestseller.

Bitcoin and renewable Energy: A pioneering Model

One of the exciting topics discussed with Florian was how bitcoin can play a role in renewable energy: "In many countries, excess energy is often wasted because it cannot be stored or used efficiently. This is where bitcoin comes in: Mining could act as a kind of "black box" that is activated when excess energy is available. Florian explains that this could be a useful solution to better utilize renewable energy sources while increasing the profitability of energy parks.

Political Influences on Bitcoin: Why it doesn't matter who becomes President

Another topic of discussion was the role of politics and how the upcoming U.S. election might affect bitcoin.

Florian clarified: "Bitcoin is much bigger than one president." Regardless of who wins the election, bitcoin remains a global, decentralized system that cannot be controlled by any government. Short-term fluctuations in the price of bitcoin may be affected by political events, but in the long run, it doesn't matter who sits in the White House. The reason: Both Trump and Harris could not solve the underlying problem - the exponential creation of money and the deficit of the US economy. Bitcoin, on the other hand, offers a stable, inflation-free alternative. For Florian, one thing is certain: "Bitcoin is the future - no matter who becomes president. "

The Mindset of a Bitcoiner: A positive Future

What stands out about Florian is his consistently positive attitude toward the future - both regarding bitcoin and life in general. In the podcast, he explains that it is rational for him to be optimistic: "There is no time in human history that I would rather live in than right now. "

Florian also encourages other bitcoiners to not only keep an eye on the future, but to enjoy the here and now. Although bitcoin is a long-term investment for many, it's worth remembering that we're already living in a "golden future".


Our conversation with Florian Bruce Boye shows once again that bitcoin is not just a technical innovation, but a tool for profound social change. Florian combines his experience in physics and economics to make the case that bitcoin goes far beyond the financial markets. Regardless of who dominates the political stage, bitcoin is poised to play a central role in our future.